Otilia Gaidos Studio
My current series, Hands Off Our Children!, is self-explanatory. I stumbled on this alarming worldwide criminal matter around 2022. The magnitude of the illegal matter - ongoing horrifying crimes against minors - caught my attention. I have come to realize that our world has an overwhelming number of unevolved souls, some of whom may or may not hold various active or passive positions of influence throughout the world.
I followed my heart and watched my art series intuitively unfold itself in 2023.
The art pieces that I create for this series have multiple layers of paint, markers, various reclaimed objects including existentialist literature, chocolate wrapping paper and yarn. I freely used my fingers, brushes and palette knives. Present in this whole series are four elements of significance: a touch of gold along with yarn, recycled chocolate wraps and printed pages from Albert Camus's literary work. To me, the vibrancy found in this series represents healthy childhood with all that it entails such as joyful thoughts, carefree attitude, happiness and wonder. The golden element underlines children's value. The chocolate wraps and yarn emphasize children's innocence while Camus's philosophy represents the silent suffering of children worldwide and the significance of protecting minors from diseased souls and traumatic experiences.
Every adult on this planet knows that children are defined as those human beings between the ages of 0 and 18. The whole world knows that children, by definition, fall into the category of vulnerable populations. The whole world is aware that vulnerable populations' caregivers, role-models and entities that they are associated with must protect them from harm.
Children must never be taken advantage of in any way - be that emotionally, mentally, educationally, medically, politically, socially, psychologically, sexually or physically. The act of taking advantage of a child in any way is illegal, socially disturbing and spiritually corrupt. It represents the most macabre crime worldwide. Humanity’s duty is to protect its children from criminal information and activity such as intentional exposure to harm, propaganda, adult circumstances, sadistic and traumatizing emotional and psychological situations, and any other type of age-inappropriate information and situation.
Children are not commodities. Childhoods are meant to be experienced. Children are born with the human right to live their childhoods in a way that is safe. It is our duty, parents or not, to consistently value, empower, respect and protect children from harm. Children’s minds, souls and innocence must be protected. Children should be encouraged to live with purpose, to constructively & ethically impact the world. Children are called children because they need protection from harm and guidance from the society they live in. Children are called children because they are not adults: they are still developing emotionally, intellectually, physically and psychologically.
Children are vulnerable. They need a voice until they reach adulthood. Children come first. Children are the future. Entities that do not actively embrace 'children come first' philosophy may potentially have premeditated intentions that are detrimental to children's social, emotional & psychological development. It is highly recommended that these entities be socially and legally challenged.
Public, nonprofit and private entities actively or passively linked to socio-ethically questionable programs aimed to normalize the sexualization of minors; entities that actively or passively support or engage in the introduction of public and semi-public K-12 instructional & research materials and environments that normalize the sexualization of minors, gender identity confusion/anxiety/trends, pedophilia and other socially and psychologically deviant ideas, attitudes and behaviors; entities that actively or passively support or engage in socio-ethically questionable programs aimed to create confusion about and manipulate gender orientation in minors; entities that actively or passively support or engage in the instigation of child & adolescent self-identity crisis, gender orientation crisis and self-esteem crisis; and entities and individuals that actively or passively support or engage in crimes against humanity such as child and adolescent medical mutilation must be legally challenged worldwide.
Founders and supporters of entities described above must face pertinent legal consequences for the multifaceted and premeditated social experimentation that they have launched against vulnerable populations such as minors. Experimenting with and implementing questionable and more or less deviant social and psychological ideas on minors worldwide is not just any crime, it is one of the most horrific crimes worldwide, a crime against humanity reminiscent of the horrific crimes committed during wars. Manipulating vulnerable minors' developing minds for social experimentation purposes and in efforts to emotionally and psychologically scar them for life is an incontestable criminal act. Intentionally playing with vulnerable minors' valuable lives, souls, innocence and future is a horrific and punishable crime.
Intentional fabrication of socio-psychological crisis in the vulnerable minors' population, and intent to financially profit from artificially created socio-psychological crisis in the vulnerable minors' population is a punishable crime worldwide. Intent to socially, emotionally, psychologically, medically and mentally experiment on minors for entertaining purposes is a crime. Intent to experiment on minors for entertaining purposes and via the meticulous and artificial ignition of socio-psychological crisis in the vulnerable minors' population is a crime. Communities that actively and passively allow intentional experimentation on minors are ethically diseased and have failed our children. Judicial systems that allow [(un)diagnosed] psychopaths around the world to intentionally experiment on minors for entertaining and financial purposes are corrupt. It is recommended that such judicial systems be restructured to better serve minors' rights to freedom from social, emotional, psychological, medical and mental enslavement.
This is not an easy fight. The fight is not against one community, group or entity. The fight is against something else. Minors' enslavement campaign is a fortified source of evil on multiple fronts and with multiple satellites resembling highly influential psychologically deranged tribes scattered throughout the world who most probably have mainstream educational communities' representatives, healthcare communities' representatives and judicial representatives at their fingertips. Because the minors' enslavement campaign is led by multiple evil sources carried out from multiple fronts, there are problems of trust and strategy. The trust problem surfaces when it comes to the distribution of funds raised for the purpose of saving minors from harm: are we sending the funds to legitimate and ethical nonprofits? The strategy problem arises when children's rights supporters realize that there are multiple evil sources to fight and they include worldwide programs, campaigns, entities, groups and behind-the-scenes psychopathic world orchestrators.
Any independent thinker is able to connect the dots on this matter. The obvious world orchestrators' efforts involve an eventual legalization of criminal acts (of a sexual nature) against children and adolescents. Let's unite and work together to save our kids! Let's disturb these world orchestrators' desperate efforts to legalize sexual crimes against children!
Hands Off Our Children! represents my commitment to raise awareness about the multifaceted criminal campaign launched against children.
Otilia V. Gaidos
E-mail: info@otiliagaidos.com
© 2024 Otilia V. Gaidos. All artwork and images on this site are the exclusive property of Otilia V. Gaidos and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. No part of this artwork may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of artist Otilia V. Gaidos.